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phaleno ballet

phaleno ballet


Dimensioni Ingombro   (circa)   _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Altezza 55 cm    _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Width 35 cm

Dimensions at the base diameter  12 cm



Pink or White



The flower lasts about 12 weeks




Originally from Asia, in nature they live in tropical climates with high atmospheric humidity. Hybrid Phalaenopsis, the most common species, can be found in an infinite range of colors and sizes. When not in bloom their beauty is the dark green foliage contrasting with silvery roots that shoot out of the vase in search of air and light!

The Phalaenopsis orchid loves bright locations, but not with direct sun; ventilated places, but without cold drafts: they require a minimum night temperature of 18°C and a minimum daytime temperature of 21°C. In summer the maximum must not exceed 30-32°C. It is advisable to take your Phalaenopsis plants outside in the summer, in the shade of porches or other trees. The important and essential thing is to provide them with constant humidity, avoiding stagnation of water which causes rot. In spring and summer it is necessary to fertilize with products to be diluted in this water.


Under optimal conditions it is not difficult for Phalaenopsis to flower 2-3 times a year, with long-lasting blooms. If the plant is in good health, the lack of flowers can only be attributed to insufficient light or incorrect temperatures. Phalaenopsis do not grow and flower at the same time, but produce a leaf and a flower spike alternately: the greater the number of leaves, the greater the production of stems. When the main stem is withered, cut it just above one of the underlying nodes to induce the production of lateral flower spikes.


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