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Anthurium Nevada

Anthurium Nevada


Dimensioni Ingombro   (circa)   _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Altezza 75 cm      Larghezza 50 cm

Dimensions at base diameter  16 cm



Red flowers 



Anthurium is an elegant houseplant that is widespread and appreciated for its characteristic flowers

It is a plant native to tropical areas and belongs to the Araceae family. It is generally considered among thehouse plants, given that in our area it is difficult to find a suitable climate to favor its growth.

The main feature is the presence of the spathe, a sort of upturned and brightly colored leaf, from which the spadix emerges, an elongated spike with hermaphrodite flowers. It is estimated that there are at least 500 different species, distinguished by colors and shapes.

The stems of this spectacular flower can reach a height of 10cm and are perfect for abouquet of flowerselegant and refined.

Before buying a plant of this type, it must be considered that it needs particular climatic conditions: very high temperatures and a good degree of humidity.

Where to place the Anthurium

Choose a place away from drafts, bright but not exposed to direct sunlight.

In winter the temperature should never drop below 15°, so it's really unlikely that this plant can remain in the garden.

Furthermore, the sharp changes in temperature can be dangerous for its very survival.

Water generously and be sure to place someexpanded clayin the saucer, where you will go to pour a little water to ensure the right level of humidity.

Before flowering, you can water up to 2 times a day if it's very hot.

It does not require pruning, only the dry leaves will be removed.
Warning: this plant can be toxic to your cat

If you manage to place the plant in optimal conditions, it can last for many years

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