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The Kokedama is a sphere of earth covered in moss with essences grown inside.
Very popular in Japan, Kokedama are also known as the Bonsai of the poor.
Given the reduced amount of land, the plants tend to remain small and develop a root system suitable for the dimensions of the sphere.

Kokedama also live well indoors, but don't forget that they are live plants and need water and sun.



    Kokedama are not plastic, they are real, live plants, exactly like those in your garden; they are only small in size, but have the same needs as all plants.
    A direct exposure to the sun's rays for a few hours every 2 – 3 days is optimal; if you have more Kokedama at home you can rotate them outdoors.

    An excellent way to understand if it's time to wet your Kokedama is to hold it in your hand and weigh it to understand if it's still damp or, if it's too light, it's time to wet it.
    The Kokedama are watered by immersion: fill a container with a quantity of water necessary to reach the apex of the sphere and leave it completely immersed for 2 or 3 minutes, then remove it and squeeze it gently so as to remove the excess water and ensure that the water also moistens the center of the sphere.
    One watering is enough for several days.
    If the musk dries up, a spray with a vaporizer is sufficient.

    Kokedama can be used as a piece of furniture for your home and garden and also in Bonsai displays.
    There are objects created with Raku or stoneware techniques, created specifically to contain them and with various shapes and colors; you will find a wide assortment of items created by me in our shop!
    You can also hang them using a cord or even use objects that you already have at home such as cups, plates, glasses, bowls and everything that your inspiration suggests.

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