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    Marimo 2cm without container


    Marimo is a spherical algae with a soft coat

    and velvety with a bright green colour.

    Its name was the work of the Japanese botanist

    Tatsuhiko Kawakamiwho in 1898 discovered this alga in the

    Akan lake, the only place where the original Marimos are born


    Mari in Japanese means marble. Mo is a term

    generic to indicate plants that grow in water.

    Marimo lives over 200 years.

    Since 1921, Marimo has been declared a Japanese Natural Treasure.


    TheMarimoit is considered a symbol not only of love, but also of deep, sincere affection, esteem and respect. A lucky charm for all the new things in life, a new friendship, a new home, a new business…


    Availability to date max 20 pieces

    Next availability 3/4 working days

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